It’s one of the most common management gripes: Our employees aren’t accountable. They’re not meeting deadlines. The quality isn’t there. They’re not...
The Work Breakdown Structure: One of the Project Manager’s Most Important Tools
The work breakdown structure is one of the most important project management tools you have as a project manager. It’s the foundation for...
Business Requirements: Documenting the Business Side of Projects
While many business projects are IT-related, more and more are being initiated and funded by lines of business, from marketing to finance and...
Organizational Effectiveness Rule #1: All Work Isn’t Created the Same
“The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” It’s a well-worn cliché, but that’s because it’s invariably true. Think about what happens in most...
Why You Need a Project Charter—and Why You Don’t
Here’s a riddle for you: If a project goes ahead without a project charter, does it really exist? Before you answer, I should tell you, it’s a trick...
User Stories and Use Cases Go Hand-in-Hand
Whether it’s a software project or a marketing project, all projects have something to deliver. And all projects have users—people who will interact...
Project Scope and the Question of Quality
When the subject of project scope comes up, many people immediately think of the features and functions of a product or service, and maybe the...
Business Analysis Training: The 5 Parts of a Compelling Business Case
You see a problem. You have a solution. You can’t get management to listen. That is, until you mention the resources required, and then they’re...
Essential Communication Processes for Effective Project Management
Effective communication is one of the most important components of project management. Project managers need to communicate regularly with...
5 Helpful Tips for New Project Managers
The role of project manager is not only crucial, but requires a variety of skills and characteristics. A successful project manager needs skills and...