All initiatives have a common construct for success. This has been established and proven out over years of experience. Some industries or skill...

All initiatives have a common construct for success. This has been established and proven out over years of experience. Some industries or skill...
The Essentials of Initiative Management To keep initiative work on track, you need a specific initiative management approach, one that’s different...
You’re an expert at what you do. You understand how your work fits into the bigger picture of your organization, you have the experience to know...
Whether you have the title or not or know the business analyst responsibilities, if you’re doing the work of business analysis, your job is to...
What is business analysis? Is it work that’s reserved only for those with the professional title? According to the IIBA, “Business Analysis is the...
When most people think of business analysis, they think of identifying needs and defining requirements for an end product. A quick search of the web...
Many organizations are light on business cases. It’s a step that is often skipped, and it’s easy to see why. When people have ideas for a project or...
While many business projects are IT-related, more and more are being initiated and funded by lines of business, from marketing to finance and...
Whether it’s a software project or a marketing project, all projects have something to deliver. And all projects have users—people who will interact...
You see a problem. You have a solution. You can’t get management to listen. That is, until you mention the resources required, and then they’re...