If you’re a part of a business, you realize how imperative customer service is. In addition, every business understands the importance of project...
What Makes for A Great Project Manager?
Project managers are essential players in the world of business. Companies depend on these employees to organize, motivate, facilitate, communicate,...
5 Tips for a Good Business Analyst
There’s nothing more important than teamwork when it comes to running a business. Learning strong analytic characteristics and knowledge is...
5 Must-Have Skills for Project Managers
A project manager is the driving force behind a project. They need to be able to look at the big picture of a project and seamlessly adapt to any...
Top 4 Apps for a Business Analyst
In this digital era, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have become an essential part of the modern workforce. Applications and software have allowed...
Advance Your Career with Business Analysis Training Courses
Acting as agents of change, business analysts are a vital aspect of any organization. They analyze an organization’s business model and integrate...
5 Tips for Achieving Project Success
When it comes to project management, sticking to a timeline and budget is never an easy task. While there are countless factors that can alter a...
Your Most Important Work is Project Work
Organizations have two types of work in today’s business environment: day-to-day work and project work. Both have a unique purpose and benefit to...
Why Project Phases Aren’t a Project Management Concept
There are lots of people who think project phases are a project management related concept. The fact is, they are more of a work and...
What is a Project?
The formal definition of a project is: a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.* Temporary, meaning projects have...